— чтим и помним имена павших
До сих пор мы помним о последствиях Великой Отечественной Войны и чтим память воинов, которые отдали жизнь за будущие поколения
Content Focused
Audacity is perfect for any news or magazine site, that display vast amounts of content, in an elegant manner.
RokSprocket Extension
RokSprocket is a versatile, content switchblade extension that has multiple layouts, themes and a rich user interface.
Gantry Framework
Gantry is a powerful cross-platform framework that sits at the heart of the template, powering various features.
— материалы по истории Солнечногорья
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Configure text and background colors.
New themes for RokSprocket Features.
A versatile, content switchblade extension with a rich UI Learn More
A powerful cross-platform framework with various features Learn More
Menus with advanced features such as inline modules Learn More
Combine and consolidate CSS, JS, Fonts and Images.
Audacity has basic support for Right-To-Left languages.
A series of classes to individualize style.
Individually adjust margins and padding .
A slideshow layout, with configurable themes Подробнее… A horizontal content block layout, split into defined rows Подробнее… A tabbed layout with support for multiple tab positions Подробнее…